El Camino High School campus

Birthday of Jim Cresta

Birthday of Jim Cresta

James Cresta
Sunrise: November 3, 1940
Sunset: September 11, 2021

This tribute to Jim Cresta that was read at the COLT game on September 17th, 2021 before the National Anthem…

Lest We Forget… COLT PRIDE
Good EVENING ladies and gentlemen, this past Saturday the El Camino Family lost one of their favorite son’s… Jim Cresta has been a teacher here at El Camino since 1964…

This year 2021 commemorates El Camino High School’s 60th Anniversary in the school’s history… For the past 57 years of this school’s history Jim Cresta taught Auto Shop, as well as Health Classes to generations of young men and women. Many have gone on to successful careers in the automotive industry and have Mr. Cresta to thank for their livelihoods.

Jim Cresta was inspirational to many not only as an educator but as a human being. He was the kind of man who said good morning to you and he meant it… Jim lived his whole adult life helping young adults become better people.

Jim Cresta was to turn 81 this year. He lived a long, productive life doing what he loved and gave so much to the El Camino High School community over the years.

Will you please rise and remove your hats for a moment of silence for Jim Cresta…
Thank you Jimmy we will remember you always….

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